Product Details
K7202 30V 5A LaboratoryPower Supply

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A laboratory power supply is indispensable for both the professional and amateur electronics engineer. This power supply is short-circuit protected and variable from 0 to 30V and from 0 to 5A. A connection is supplied for both voltage meter and ampere-meters, such as K7201. A front foil and matching buttons are supplied. The heatsink, case, and transformer are not included. 
Output voltage variable from 0 to 30V 
Fine control over 1V 
Fine tuning between 0 and 1A 
Output current: 4A continuous/5A peak 
Ripple maximum: 0· 5mV rms 
Input voltage 2 x 15V AC 5· 3A 
Connection for K7201 digital volt/ampere-meter